This morning’s conversation with the greengrocer was
most enlightening. Current practice often associates government with business.
We see whole nations given over to representatives of international wealth, led
by those holding profit the highest morality. Where are you, Gore Vidal, when
we need you now?
greengrocer sold the business to an entrepreneur; he works as an employee:
competition with the large is becoming impossible. The land, growers, fruits of
the land are increasingly owned by big business, who dispose of produce at
every stage in the most efficient manner. He didn’t make clear whether the new
owner was the agent of one of the great foreign merchant families, or simply
someone who took opportunity to advance himself in new surroundings.
happens at a time when the government is performing like a travelling circus
about a handful of asylum seekers. The prophets exhort us to protect the
stranger within the gates, but as far as I know, say nothing about allowing
the nations to possess the land.
was run for the benefit of large landowners, too. The Kingdom of God, though,
is not like this. The Kingdom of God is run for the weak. Blessed are the meek.