What are you
doing, and why are you doing it? Where have you been, and where are you going?
You sure you want to go there? Who were you with, and what were they after?
Look again.
Looking at this
dinner, which seems so small: if you had anorexia, it would look huge. Could you
see differently? It might be just the right size. You could apply this to other
sizes, too. Too is in fact the problem. Too short, too tall, too round or straight.
Too old, or too little. For what cause? I was asked by a poll what kind of life
I’d want. Their choice. Adventurous, exciting; secure, taken care of;
well-rewarded, important; family first; prosperous, having everything. I said I
want an interesting life, but that wasn’t on their list. You couldn’t choose
compassion, art, friendship, or contemplation. Look again.
It’s a mystical
work to look from differing perspectives. Turn a person or event around like a
sculpture in your mind. Turn whole years around. Turn around what you’re doing,
how and why. Look at back and front, left and right, above, below. Find a strange
point of view. Then do something new.