November begins with the days of the dead: Hallowe’en,
All Hallows, and All Souls. Nothing is forgotten: the bad, the good, the
ordinary sinners like ourselves.
Memories come unbidden. Despite lies, denies,
neglects, twists and turns of fates and their perceptions. Nobody forgets. The body doesn’t forget its
ancestors. The dispossessed never forget the Country. The past thinks toward the negative to make
sure you don’t repeat it but this means you repeat it again and again. Bending
what is into what ought to be. The use of force is a road into error.
If you own something you can choose to do nothing with
it. Let it live its own life. If you don’t have the power to leave it alone,
you don’t own it. Justice is the virtue that gives back to everything that
which belongs to it, so don’t place faith in power of forgetting, or spell of denial.
is carried on the breath. What part of the life of our time are you not living?
To whom, to what, to where do you belong? What gift or charge belongs to you?
Nothing is enough: do what your strength will bear. That, too, is not