Friday, 6 January 2023

On Philosophical Daydreams


When the past looks at you what does it see? Does it feel good about its results with you or believe it’s done its proper job? Does it see room for improvement: how can it become a better past? Maybe it could be a worse past, maybe it really screwed up. Maybe it was a normal past.

We keep hearing about the new normal. Normal is not what came before nor likely what came after. What we’re observing is the normal normal. We think the current circumstances are stable but in fact they constantly change so in ten years you won’t recognise where you were. This applies across the board. Globally, the challenge between the past and the future shows up the fragility, not only of democracy, but of all existing systems. Things must change and are changing, but this is not a handsome process. Personally, we look at last decade’s selfie then look at the mirror: how did this happen? The cost of living is not what it costs to live.

What’s in the house with you? I live with a greyhound, fine and fast. I live with some ideas, too, maybe some are new. Or maybe only normal.