Thursday, 2 February 2023

On Not So Perfect


Euphemisms and platitudes. Hanging around on social media with all the bad news, celebrations and currying of fears, plus assumptions and expectations. The passive voice is a grammatical vice. Real help is specific IMHO.

 Those “experiencing” envy are many and some are already exceedingly rich. See Decalogue 10. On the other hand, most sins are not very interesting; so often they’re so much the same. What is interesting is the good stuff you do that you don’t know about. A lot of what you try to get away from is ingrained and so is part of you. Some of it holds surprisingly great results.

It's not so perfect, though. What if ‘perfect’ meant ‘wholeness’, ‘completeness’, “containing multitudes”? Not ‘perfect’ as frozen in time; time doesn’t freeze. Good for today might be doubtful tomorrow. Faultless is subject to change. Imperfect gives you room to move.

After spending most of my life trying to be lighter, stretching towards the heavens, I now seem to want to be heavier, sinking at each step towards the earth. Weightier, more relaxed and more peaceful. Making life lower. Simplifying striving. Making two steps out of one.

The world will be saved by smallness.