Thursday, 2 March 2023

On Responsible Thinking


Whoever you are now, you’re not what you were. If something turns out tragically, can you blame yourself for trying?

If you front up in church you’ve already apologized to God. Some Christian gods are more judgemental than others. Some are ruthless, some too easy-going. Are you worshipping the jealous god or the plentiful in mercy? Or one that looks more like a mirror?

General Admin cleanup: Mrs. G. hasn’t lived here for 15 years. Still gets mail from government: do I return to sender? Ten percent off anything you’ve ever bought. Appeals from causes to which you once drew attention to yourself. Crises and disasters you were tangentially involved with but can’t relieve yourself of guilt. Things you ought to have done that you did not do, however long ago. The failings of others. Antique notifications of this and that. The complete story on installation of solar power. Political messages from everywhere. The innocuous and the incautious.

Is there a statute of limitations on regrets? Do we even have a right to get over it? Do we still have to solve it, when the pieces lie in fragments on the floor?

Hand it on. Less responsible thinking; more prayer.