Saturday, 2 September 2023

On The Voice


We are enjoined to vote about a Voice. A Voice from the Indigenous peoples of this land to the Parliament, to be enshrined in the Constitution from which their voices have been silent. This is prophetic business. There are many voices in the Bible. Among them John, crying in the wilderness; the Shepherd naming the sheep; the “daughter of a voice” speaking to the prophets; the voices of the prophets themselves.

The Voice has opponents. “Society won’t accept this.” But we are society. “The voters won’t vote for it.” But we are the voters. “The courts will be filled with it.” Yes, we know you’ll try. “It’s racist.” On the contrary, it’s racist not to do it. “It’s not enough, not perfect.” The perfect is the enemy of the good. “What if it fails?” Does it help win a fight by expecting to lose? “It’s confusing.” Who takes the first step without aiming for a destination? Clarity is found by seeking.

The Yes campaign appeals to reason; the No campaign to fear. Fear is thought to be good public relations. But the word of an angel is always: “Fear not.” Prophetic business. We can be prophets. We can vote Yes.