Sunday, 1 March 2015

On Rubbish Collection

Woke up this morning, rubbish trucks on the road. Waking birds, flickering lights, groaning gears, clattering thumps. Neighbourhood’s annual rubbish collection underway: a mystery of the dawn. Rusted barbecues, slumping mattresses, jettisoned timbers —projects completed or not— piles of branches, indoor and outdoor detritus of living. Once a year a good clean-out.
            So Lent provides an annual rubbish removal for the soul. On the journey to Jerusalem, Jesus removed illness, shame, demons, and acres of worn-out, rotten thinking. Even death, though they show the tomb of Lazarus at Bethany today. What happens to what’s removed? Transformation: illness to health, shame to respect, demons to prayers, hateful thoughts to loving feelings.
            As an editor trims a written page, an artist erases errant lines, a musician culls excess vibrato, so the spirit cleans, shines, lightens during Lent. Looking over the year, its mistakes and misdeeds, or deeper into the past, even to events of antiquity. Every life littered with missed opportunities. It’s never too early to choose a good path, never too late to release the foregone crossings.
            Choosing the essence, the heart of any matter, the clear direction. Simplicity helps. Free of clutter: finding the right Way.

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