Thursday, 27 February 2020

On Judgement

6 July 2019

I dreamed of an undecipherable exam. We were panicked because of unreadable handwritten questions: an artistic attempt of confusion and obscurity.  Running out of time, can’t make it out, no appeal possible. Deep in the unconscious, there are layers upon layers of cliffs of exam failures to fall. Metaphors of judgement.
            A Last Judgement at the end of time, time run out, last chance cafĂ©, posits questions of how to be judged, to say nothing of judging. Judgement by association, or sight unseen: deportation by fiat, for example. Final judgement might take place a long way away, in an age of globalisation. No matter that a Last Judgement is likely to comprise mainly sins against the poor, we seem to have difficulty reading, (especially scriptures), addressing the wrong questions.
            What is exam success? How would it look to stand around saying, ‘I did it right?’ It feels good, but conscience is not about feels. Conscience has the tax collector repaying fourfold what he stole, and this is defined as salvation. Jesus never said he was the answer, though many seem to think that’s what he said. He said he is the Way. Without a Way we walk in darkness, like the rulers of the nations.

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