Sunday, 2 April 2023

On the Distance


When I was little, my mother had me on a harness, the perfect way to keep me from getting lost in crowds. So a shopping trip was a child walk. I could skip to the limits and then come back. This was going the distance, then.

Like walking the talk, going the distance implies commitment. Pretty securely, you can’t do it without help. Everything in life is hanging by a thread, so the most important words you’ll hear come from the angels you’ll meet. Fear Not.

Others, not so angelic, build fears. Both religious and areligious types may say it’s your fault. Or you deserve it. Or what did you expect? Or, it’s going to end badly. They direct your attention to the travails of those who let you down. Suggest a loss of faith, strength, direction. Talk up the expectations.

My friends seem to have forgiven my many limitations and mistakes, very few of them deliberate, but often attempts to get under control situations that cannot by their nature be controlled. So natural. Talking the walk will be kinder to you. Seeing the distance with you.

The best words are thanking words. Thank you.  Deo Gratias.

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